Best Way For Flash Website Optimization
Software,Website Design,Website Promotion Optimizing flash websites is not easy. It requires more time and efforts to optimiz
e a flash site rather than a simple HTML site.Here are some tips that will help you flash website optimization.When the flash site is in designing and development stages, then it becomes necessary for web designer to use a trick, which disables the browsers BACK button. This doesn’t mean that Back button needs to be disabled. Simply you have to apply a trick, which prevents your site from being viewed from beginning when one clicks the back button. Make use of something like meta fresh.Use CSS element, which is used in Javascript to allow the web browsers to display and view flash websites. This will also help in eliminating the ranking disadvantages associated with Flash websites.In a flash website, it is essential to insert the text within NOEMBED tag and NOFRAMES tag.Usually, it is suggested not to go in for “all flash” approach. Create HTML version for the site (a distinct page for every site). This will help the spiders in indexing the site and site will gain visibility.Make use of SDK tool, swf2html for extracting the text from flash files and converting them into a simple HTML document.Create meta descriptions for each page.Check for the navigational links and see that the flash links point to other HTML pages.Don’t have a clumsy web design for your website. This will create more complications on the website.On your website provide the visitors with the option to skip the animations and sound. This will make the site completely user friendly.Test your site on different browsers including WAP enabled phones. See that they work well on all.To get the right flash website designed and developedhire an experienced web designing company or an interactive design company.
Software,Website Design,Website Promotion Optimizing flash websites is not easy. It requires more time and efforts to optimiz

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